leroy collins and andrew gillum: two tallahassee men from very

His law firm represented blue chip clients like Hialeah race track and the phone company. . . ... Republicans may lose some seats if this supposed “blue wave” of anti-Trump sentiment reaches Florida, but nobody expects the Democrats to get a real grip in either chamber. . . ..

this week in black history

BESSIE SMITH . . 1937—Blues great Bessie Smith dies of injuries sustained in an automobile accident near Clarksdale, Miss. ... Her poems, many published while she attended Wilson Junior College, ranged in style from traditional ballads and sonnets to poems using blues rhythms in free..

how voter suppression works

The task force, staffed by off-duty police officers armed with loaded service revolvers and wearing blue armbands, was sued for steering black voters away from polling stations in New Jersey and forced to disband [source: Robbins]. ..

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