nobody knows nuthin'
Frank's 1995 best seller, The Winner-Take-All Society Why the Few at Top Get So Much More Than Rest of Us, delves into the details of this.. ..…
Frank's 1995 best seller, The Winner-Take-All Society Why the Few at Top Get So Much More Than Rest of Us, delves into the details of this.. ..…
File photo shows Director of US National Intelligence James Clapper. ©AFP The Takfiri Daesh group has the capacity of targeting United States with attacks similar to those of Paris and Brussels, says the US intelligence chief... ... We, here in United..…
Following a bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in 1988, Myanmar progressively slid into isolation, with an arms embargo applied by the European Union in 1990, followed by US economic sanctions in 1996 and 2008. ..…
It recently became a source of controversy when an investigation by the state’s Office of the Child Advocate concluded that children housed at CJTS and a neighboring facility for girls, Pueblo Unit, had at times been unlawfully restrained and put into seclusion for extended periods. ..…
Against them was the United States, which was terrified of Central America going “red.” ... As an added complication, the Rohingya ethnic group has also been targeted in an extermination campaign that the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum terms..…
Carter noted that PKK has been deemed terrorist group by Turkey and the United States. He also acknowledged that it is not at all surprising that Turkey is upset with the United States for providing military assistance to Syrian Kurds, adding that Obama administration..…