the short war illusion

He lost it all and was outthought and outfought Russia in 1812, then Germany and France in 1813-1814. Then Carthage lost to Rome, England lost to France, Napoleon lost to Grand Alliance, Imperial Germany lost to Allies,   and Hitler lost it all, utterly catastrophically, in..

wwii: russia’s epic role in nazis’ defeat

The truth holds without the remarkable efforts of Soviet Union on Eastern Front, United States and Great Britain would have been hard-pressed to score decisive military victory over Nazi Germany.. ... By degree of cooperation and was essential to securing the defeat of, relations..


 In December 2001, Americans and their coalition of U.K., Germany, and Northern Alliance, militia made up primarily of Uzbeks, Tajiks, and other regional warlords, attempted to capture bin Laden and his friends at Tora Bora. ..


TEHRAN - German Chancellor Angela Merkel is ready to leave the post of the leader of Christian Democratic Union of Germany and will not take part in the election of CDU leader. ..

richard j. evans, the third reich trilogy

At first Germany had the advantage of surprise, ultimately Germany never had chance against the industrial and power of United States, Soviet Union. As Germany began to lose, and Western allies began to bomb German cities, German morale deteriorated and Nazi Germany..

operation barbarossa

On 22 June 1941, Hitler ordered the start of 'Operation Barbarossa the campaign to conquer Soviet Union.. To mark the day, here are some newspaper stories that report on the start of the war between Nazi Germany and Soviet Union... ..

german face choice at polls: risk or status quo

The departure is represented by Schroeder's rival, Angela Merkel, who, though the leader of the Christian Democratic Union, Germany's classic right-of-center party, comes from outside the German mainstream: She is a woman; she is a former physicist from the former East Germany; she is an..

e. germany struggles not to split before unity

By putting off decision on the timing of unification with, EAST BERLIN — East Germany's ruling coalition avoided collapse on Sunday West Germany.. ... Prime Minister Lothar de Maiziere's Christian Democrats, plus East German parties, want the fought under the separate laws of..

new e. germany seeks deliverance from past

The coalition announced its support for unification without delay, to be achieved through West German of East Germany's five historic states.. It said East Germany could approve NATO for Germany, only which now calls for the alliance to defend against Soviet..

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