
john roberts is voting with liberal justices, but he's not one of them

Bush, has split with the conservative justices numerous times. . In December, he sided with his liberal colleagues in upholding a lower court’s order blocking the Trump administration from implementing its asylum policy. ... In January, he joined the conservative justices in allowing the..

campaign of 1960

He also hoped to win back conservative Catholics who had deserted the Democrats to vote for Eisenhower in 1952 and 1956, and to hold his own in the South. . ..

the pitfalls of ethnic pay gaps

Recently, for example, the Telegraph (a broadly conservative paper) wrote: “The difference between male and female earnings has quickly become the hottest topic in employment, with the gender pay gap of BBC stars, easyJet pilots, and Google engineers all in the headlines.” ..

women’s health

On this website, Fabiana Fraysinnet recently denounced a Brazilian crusade against sex education conducted by conservative and religious sectors. ... The crusade against comprehensive sex education by conservative and religious sectors undermines progress in Latin America and could further..

financial crisis

some British Conservative Party leaders seeking to revive colonial connections in increasingly desperate efforts to avoid self-inflicted marginalization following divorce from its European Union neighbours across Channel... ..

human rights: a reactionary cause

European Court of Human Rights Between Law and Politics, by J Christoffersen and MR Madsden, OUP, 2013 The Conservative Human Rights Revolution European Identity, Transnational Politics and Origins of European Convention, Marco Duranti, OUP USA, 2017 Postwar History of Europe Since 1945, by Tony..

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