the rabbi, the telegram, and the holocaust

From his post in Switzerland, about the massacres of thousands, then tens of thousands, of Jews carried out conjunction with German of Soviet Union in the summer and autumn of 1941. Then, August, German industrialist with close ties to Nazi hierarchy revealed shocking new..

when stalin faced hitler

For time, he recovered his personal and political equilibrium in his pact with Hitler, delivered bounty of German industrial tools, enabled the conquest and Sovietization of tsarist borderlands, and reinserted Soviet Union into the role of arbitrating world affairs. ..

the rise and fall of german communism

Bayerlein, the authority on the related source materials, uncovers how Moscow's prioritization of state interests and diplomatic relationships with Nazi Germany condemned German Communists to rot concentration camps. While German movement Soviet Politburo pursued a policy of..

gorbachev yields germany to nato

But German soldiers not integrated into NATO command may be stationed there United States, Britain and Soviet Union - will cease at once upon unification. ... The fear of German military might runs so deep that even today - despite decades of Cold War with United States -..

soviets, west germans edge closer on nato

West German diplomats said Moscow's pending request for aid from West and Gorbachev's over Kremlin conservatives may have helped soften Soviet to Germany's NATO.. The presence of Soviet and West German finance ministers Sunday's meetings underscored the importance of..

new e. germany seeks deliverance from past

It said East Germany could approve NATO for Germany, only which now calls for the alliance to defend against Soviet attack on German soil.. By formally recognizing German- Polish, East Germany moved to ease Polish fears of Germany criticized West German Chancellor..

hitler's personal grudge against one country helped russia beat nazi

Combined with Hitler's decision to divert his two Panzer Armies to capture Soviet armies on their northern and southern flanks, this five and week delay to the time of Operation Barbarossa proved fatal to German prospects for in the war. While many historians view German of..

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