our labor history timeline

Bush pledges to strip collective bargaining rights from 170,000 civil servants in Transportation Security Administration and denies bargaining rights to airport-security screening personnel 2009 President Obama signs Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. 1905 Industrial Workers of World founded 1908 AFL..


america defamed

Lee, Jefferson Davis, or some Civil War figure from South, and George Washington — the father of our country and our first president.. ... Remember when President Trump warned that attacks on Civil War monuments would lead to attacks on Founding Fathers and other symbols of our..

explained: what is article 371?

Article 371B, Assam The President may provide for the constitution and functions of committee of Assembly consisting of members elected from the state's tribal areas.. ... Article 371D, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana President must ensure equitable opportunities and facilities in public..


knoxville mayoral race: over 500 votes on first day of early voting

Those candidates are Amy Midis, the president of Forest Heights Neighborhood Association, Amelia Parker, member of City Council Movement group, Hubert Smith, host, Bob Thomas, former at-large County Commissioner and Knox County and Pond Gap resident and perennial candidate David Williams.. ..


trump suing california so he won't have to show his tax returns

So California got tired of the president's bullshitting and implemented law that would require all presidential nominees to release their tax returns order to appear on the ballot. The president, along with Republican National Committee, filed lawsuits on Tuesday, challenging the law... ..

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