
President Trump spoke with reporters as he departed White House en route to section of U.S. ... President Trump convened the first meeting of White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council. ..!/quality/90/?

clarence thomas says he'll be on supreme court for another 30 years

he could leave the bench while President Trump was still in White House so new justice could be nominated.. Thomas was picked by President George H. Bush in 1991 when Thurgood Marshall, liberal and the first black Supreme Court - Thomas was the second - retired... ..!/quality/90/?

preet bharara reveals identity of official with whom he discussed

Preet Bharara discussed taping President Trump with his deputy when Bharara was still U.S in the early days of Trump's presidency.. ... And, people thought that you had unhinged president... Bharara was appointed by former President Barack Obama, and Trump asked him to stay..

the second american civil war

While many Republican members of Congress would prefer GOP, the threat of being primaried for disagreeing with the president or losing Senate majority has stifled those instincts. While most Democrats are more or less moderate, the party is being jerked to the far left by small, vocal few,..

how a latter-day saint convert from 'the slums' became utah valley

Tuminez, Utah Valley University's president, talks to the media after ceremony at UVU Noorda Center for Performing Arts Orem on Wednesday, March 27, 2019. Utah State Board of Regents Chairman Harris Simmons, called President Tuminez perfect fit for UVU now and for the future... ..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/zdvwlyvbm4lplgysmcmy.jpg

trump's lies again, claims father was born in germany

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and President Donald Trump talk to reporters in Oval Office at White House April 2, 2019 Washington, DC. ... Maybe as Post suggested, there could be push to find Fred Trump's birth certificate, or maybe the president could just stop fucking lying. ..

reggie thomas

Officers from Ohio State University Police Department were called to Bricker Hall after members from Student Farmworker Alliance staged with inside at University President Michael Drake's office. ... The standoff between President Donald Trump and House Democrats over funding for border..

jasmine hilton

Officers from Ohio State University Police Department were called to Bricker Hall after members from Student Farmworker Alliance staged with inside at University President Michael Drake's office. The email, from Senior Vice President of Office of Student Life, Dr. ..


TEHRAN - The Ankara-backed terrorists Northern Syria that the recent elections Turkey which weakened the position of AKP party of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan would decrease the country's support for them.. ... TEHRAN - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani lashed out at Washington..

stop conversion, says former president

What seems simple thing today could assume tomorrow, argued the president, while giving away Kriti Smriti Journalism Britti Samman award to leading Kishor Nepal Pokhara today... ... The president harked back on his role as the in the past to prevent conflict that could have arisen over..

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