
house republican calls on senate to take up abandoned obamacare repeal

Fox News host Sean Hannity said Wednesday that a great question to ask President Trump after the midterm elections would be about Area 51 Nevada... ... Steve King, R-Iowa, offered his take on Amendment, arguing that President Trump has the power to end birthright citizenship through..!/quality/90/?

senator: us-backed media aired ‘blatantly anti-semitic’ program in

Fox News host Sean Hannity said Wednesday that a great question to ask President Trump after the midterm elections would be about Area 51 Nevada... ... Steve King, R-Iowa, offered his take on Amendment, arguing that President Trump has the power to end birthright citizenship through..

ap explains: how the native american vote evolved

The Indian Naturalization Act of 1890 granted citizenship to Native Americans by application process, and many were not allowed to vote until President Calvin Coolidge signed Indian Citizenship Act in 1924.. In 1975 under President Gerald Ford, Voting Rights Act was amended with changes..

protests in sri lanka after president sacks premier

Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena addresses United Nations General Assembly at UN headquarters New York,  September 19, 2017. © 2017 Reuters. On October 26, President Maithripala Sirisena dismissed the minister and replaced him with Mahinda Rajapaksa the president..

the future of freedom foundation

There is no possibility that the military would ever permit state officials, Justice Department, or judiciary to indict, prosecute, and convict soldier for following the orders of the president to kill any woman or toddler. ... That's what President Eisenhower was talking about when he..

the new jihad: more threatening than ever

Unfortunately for them, former Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi's attempt to make Egypt Islamic totalitarian state, and the economic collapse that resulted, led to takeover of the government by Egypt's, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, and to crackdown that eradicated the organization there. ... Zuhdi..!/quality/90/?

trump: dumping on the press is 'my only form of fighting back'

President Trump's tariffs are causing businesses with branches China to pack up and move out, and not to U.S., according to industry report. ... But and who hates President Trump, sprays bullets in synagogue, well, Republicans have lot to answer for... ..

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