the “patriot

Then you had a murky layer between patriot and dissident, the “Good German”. ... It takes a died in the wool patriot to swallow this whole because we are a little mistake prone. . ..


Mostashar Siasi also said that bin Salman has agreed with establishing Israeli base under the pretext of Pentagon's decision to withdraw its Patriot missile systems from number of regional states.. The Pentagon would remove four batteries of PAC-3 Patriot missiles from three..

monthly review

All of the measures contained in the version of Patriot Act end up strengthening the power of the police to the detriment of citizens and authority. ... contrary to the version passed by House June 2005, the legal form adopted in Patriot Act Reauthorization remains one of state of..!/quality/90/?

rand paul undecided on trump's attorney general pick, cites

Paul told NBC News he has not made decision yet on William Barr, in part because of his past positions on Patriot Act and asset forfeiture... ... I'm concerned that he's been supporter of Patriot Act, and even went so far as to say that Patriot Act was pretty good and we should..

patriot party undismayed by advice

We've been trying to get the message out to American that Patriot Party has nothing to do with Ross Perot from substantive standpoint, at press conference at the campaign headquarters of Patriot Party Victor Mazziotti.. The public tends to associate the fledgling party with Perot since..

patriot party says it's just begun

In the race for Bethlehem, Patriot Party Jean Belinski received 3.7 percent of the vote, according to unofficial tallies.. Patriot Party line was on the bottom of the ballot behind any candidates for Libertarian or Green parties.. ..

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