
are you a citizen? it's a legitimate census question

The Trump administration wants the question reintroduced — it was asked of every household until 1950 — in order for the Justice Department to more effectively enforce Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, the provision that protects minority electoral opportunities. DOJ asserts that its..

elijah cummings won’t let witness have lawyer

Barr is right to attach this condition, one that, is consistent with longstanding DOJ policy. ... On the matter of Gore's, Seung Min Kim writes he Justice Department will not comply with bipartisan subpoena from Oversight Committee that sought testimony for its ongoing investigation of..

india: sexual harassment case against sc chief justice

India's Supreme Court should ensure that its examination of the sexual harassment complaint against Supreme Court justice protects the rights of the woman. ... By in the workplace, In 2017 and 2018, #MeToo India have highlighted the significant problems victims of sexual harassment face when..

avoiding assange

Furthermore, the game of passing on indirect, second-hand, verbal pledge through Trump's pal, combined with the fact that DOJ will not confirm that U.S agreed to take any sentence off the table, does not inspire confidence in the durability of this pledge.. ... This is desperate attempt by..

in colombia, civil society fights for peace

Under this transitional justice mechanism, perpetrators who willingly provide complete testimonies would be given lighter sentences than they would face in the existing justice system. ... In this sense, the framework of the JEP goes beyond punitive justice by instituting..

u.s. incarceration rate drops 10 percent over decade to hit lowest

Department of Justice statistics also showed that noncitizens made up roughly the same portion of U.S population, 7.6 percent, as of U.S population... ... Pete Williams is NBC News correspondent who covers Justice Department and Supreme Court, based Washington... ..

john william king executed in james byrd jr.'s brutal dragging death

The fact that human being, was jumped, beat, chain-wrapped around his legs and drug behind their truck for close to three miles, that is let alone three of them, could do something like that, Rowles, now the sheriff of Newton County, told NBC Dallas last year... ..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/lunntyom3tmroppawxvd.jpg

joe biden and the flawed violence against women act, revisited

But he’s actually done really deeply disturbing, dangerous reforms that have made the criminal justice system more lethal and just bigger. . ... From 2000 to 2010, rates of domestic violence fell less than the decrease in the overall crime rate, notwithstanding the robust criminal justice..

court to hear washington challenge to trump abortion rule

YAKIMA, Wash — federal judge Washington state will hear arguments in two cases against new Trump administration rules that could cut off federal funding for health care providers. ... federal judge Oregon this week will at least block the new rules in response to lawsuit brought by 20..


The claims are nothing new and date back to the earliest days of  Trump's presidency  — in a March 2017 White House press conference, Sean Spicer noted that Cheltenham-based eavesdropping agency had colluded with the former POTUS.. did not use NSA, he did not use CIA, he did not use FBI, and he did..

the supreme court has no role in impeachment

In that case, Judge Walter Nixon sought judicial review arguing that Senate had used committee to conduct hearings rather than conducting the proceedings before the body. ... Most notably, James Madison and Committee of Detail proposed that impeachment should be the responsibility of Supreme..

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