iran-us tension: the repetition of history

No doubt, at the time of Obama's Presidency, Iran and US relations were improving due to so-called Nuclear Deal among the nations. ... Firstly, he tweeted, I predict that president Obama will at some point attack Iran order to save face. then he retweeted that,..!/quality/90/?

ted cruz: john bolton ouster may signal 'deep state forces' winning

'I sincerely hope his leaving the White House does not mean that the deep-state forces at State and Treasury—who have been fighting tooth and nail to preserve the Obama Iran nuclear deal—have finally convinced the president to go soft on Iran,' the Texas Republican said. . ... Ben..

the myth of an iranian nuclear threat

According to World Nuclear org, about 90% of enriched weapons-grade uranium is located in the US, Russia, Britain, France and China — none Iran.. Obama and Trump pledged to spend more sparking arms race — talking peace while waging endless wars of aggression against nonbelligerent..

lee smith, author at tablet magazine

Our troops Syria are hostages to Obama's with Iran, of war between America and Sunni majority. ... News of News How Lebanon came to host campaign designed to protect the pro- Iran policies of Obama from pro-Saudi policies of Trump administration.. ..

will america and iran go to war?

The forum was designed to address the dramatic shift American toward Iran from Obama to Trump administration. In his first speech to United Nations General Assembly on Sept 19, 2017, he called on the world to join U.S. in demanding that Iran's government end its pursuit of death..!/quality/90/?

iran is now counting on rand paul and his allies to salvage obama's

This week's news that Rand Paul pitched along with former Obama officials, in hopes of salvaging the administration's nuclear deal.. Initially, Iran and former Obama administration officials revived the chamber — placing stories about the disastrous consequences of retreating..

the new politics of starvation

Driven by the assertion that Iran was involved in the 1983 bombing of marine barracks Beirut, and favoring Saddam Hussein's Iraq in Iraq- Iran, U.S president imposed additional sanctions on Islamic Republic and, in 1987, banned all imports from Iran.. Obama administration eased..!/quality/90/?

us poised to designate iran's revolutionary guard a terrorist

Cruz first introduced IRGC Designation Act in 2015, saying that for more than three decades, Iran's IRGC has been proponent of Islamic around the globe.. ... Obama administration downplayed the scope and nature of these murders in the interest of promoting its diplomacy with..

us prepares for global war

President Trump ditched President Obama's Iran nuclear deal and, despite the drama over the murder of Saudi Jamal Khashoggi, has backed Saudi royals in their arms race and war with Iran. Then, in Obama years, the military began returning those forces to Europe and..

clinton cautious in her praise of a nuclear deal she helped to

Clinton and Obama differed sharply over Iran during the 2008 campaign, with Obama vowing to meet with Iran's leaders without preconditions and Clinton dismissing Obama as reckless and naïve in the ways of the world.. ... Republicans argue that the deal falls..

isis may be more dangerous than al qaeda ever was

Further complicating matters is that the group is aligned with Islam's Sunni denomination, and opposes Shiite denomination, while much smaller globally, holds Iraq and neighboring Iran.. Obama administration has said that it's not interested in providing any assistance to the government..

iran's leader rebuffs overture

TEHRAN, Iran -- Iran's most powerful figure dismissed President Barack Obama's Persian New Year gesture, insisting Saturday that U.S administration's actions must match its in apparent attempt to keep the establishment unified behind anti- American posture. Supreme Ali Khamenei,..

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