
the immorality of nathan robinson's far-left american revolution

In late 18th-century France, the absence of a constitution defended by shared political will fostered an era of terrors and the rise of an autocrat who sparked continental war. ..

does capitalism mean war?

Capitalist Bloc . (1) In major hostilities, the United States allies (France and Great Britain) initiated the Suez war against Egypt after Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal (U.S. ... Although the U.S. sold arms to Iran, in an arms for hostages deal, assistance to Iraq and hostile actions, such as..

how islam shaped the west

Malcolm has some wry and intriguing pages on the theological gymnastics required to justify the fairly consistent pro-Ottoman diplomatic policies and strategic alliances of the “Most Christian” kings of France. . ..

new deal and cold war: the link of state domination

I can see no more logic in fighting Russia over Korea or Outer Mongolia, than in fighting England over Cyprus, or France over Morocco. … The historical facts of imperialism and spheres of influence are not sufficient reasons to justify the destruction of freedom within the United States by turning..

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