great moments in regulation

According to IEA, France is sitting on 80% of Europe's frackable gas enough to keep the country self-sufficient energy for centuries. But Macron government has just banned, fracking, and any extraction of any fossil fuels whatsoever on France... ..

cardinal parolin on post-word war i diplomacy - zenit

At the time, Pontiff sent the head of his diplomacy Extraordinary Secretary of Ecclesiastical Affairs Bonaventura Cerretti, to France, Belgium, the United States and England to promote, on behalf of the national episcopate and of Catholic public opinion, action on the respective governments in the..

macron calls for more unified, independent europe

trade conflicts and migration, France- Germany partnership has the duty to prevent the world from sliding into chaos, said French president... Artists played the music from WWI period, while military trumpeters from Germany, France and Britain blew the mourning horns... ..

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