the party of antifa fascists?

Google helps the Chinese Communist Government prevent its citizens from accessing “forbidden” knowledge and ideas – but then claims helping the US Defense Department with Cloud computing or artificial intelligence surveillance would “violate its principles.” . ..

technoccult articles in june, 2009

South Korea’s normally clandestine intelligence agency is running an internet game challenging citizens to spot real North Korean spies and uncover communist moles. . South Korea’s National Intelligence Service is running the game on its website, challenging ordinary citizens to keep a close eye..

who is fernando haddad?

Haddad, who is running with Manuela D’Avila of the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB) as his vice president, wasn’t even supposed to be the PT candidate. ..!/quality/90/?

why democrats resort to incivility

We see the susceptibility to in the rise of Joe McCarthy at midcentury, the paranoia of anti-Communist groups in the 1960s and 0s, the arming of local police with military gear and equipment ago, and the rise of the alt-right today. ..

government news 20/10

The meeting between the Communist Party of Vietnam delegation and Indian Minister of Culture Mahesh Sharma  . . . ... She noted that over the past few years, relations between the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Communist Party of China, as well as between the two countries,..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.