Nickolay Mladenov, UN Special Coordinator for Middle East Peace Process, briefed Security Council by videoconference on Israeli-Palestinian situation and said the month has witnessed the deterioration of the situation on the ground. ..…
For example, Fatima Jinnah also had to bear character assassination at the hands of a dictator, along with other setbacks, including poor finances and an unfair and unequal election campaign. . ..…
Historians History tags gender, Native American history, womens history, reproduction.. is an professor of history at the and of Reproduction on Reservation Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Colonialism in Long Twentieth Century .. . ..…
The 47-page report, 'Maximum Pressure US Economic Sanctions Harm Iranians Right to Health, documents how broad restrictions on financial transactions, coupled with aggressive rhetoric from United States officials, have constrained the ability of Iranian entities to finance humanitarian imports, including..…
When she first met then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin the chemistry was electric as the two discussed endangered species and Putin took the then- Secretary of State into his office to show her how he planned to tag polar bears. ..…
He said that both sides of the conflict bear responsibility for solving it. . ..…
Red Bear Brewing Co.'s Slay Them Drag Competition . . . Wundergarten's PRIDEtoberfest . . . . . . . . . . ..…
“But if we see effects like these in under five years, perhaps our society will be more willing to bear the upfront costs in order to avoid the indirect costs of missed work and under-productivity later on.” . ..…
No governmental interest is served by denying the plaintiffs the right to vote … they bear the costs of citizenship, and all levels of government directly influence their lives as they live and participate in the community.” . ..…
The reported killing of Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi during Special Operations Forces raid is in the war against Islamic State — and, more generally, in the struggle against terrorism. ..…
Northam’s description might have been an accurate representation of how history was taught when he was a pupil, but it bears no resemblance to what’s taught today. . ..…
We’re being fed a series of carefully contrived fictions that bear no resemblance to reality. . ..…
All this happens in a country where working masses bear one of the highest indirect tax burdens on their shoulders and around 75 percent of the annual federal budget is spent on debt servicing and military. . ..…
The most ruthless and violent in the world and likeminded ones Trump ignored in his remarks were made in USA — supported and controlled by Pentagon and CIA, their fighters operating as imperial foot soldiers wherever they're deployed.. ..…
Pelegrina said, ‘We all need to bear our share of the burden.’ . The day before I met Pelegrina, social and labour organisations had organised a demonstration against government policy. ..…
Moscow noted that Islamic State was crushed Syria in early 2018 in effort by Damascus and Russian forces, of al-Baghdadi's demise bears no effect on Syria or on the actions of the remaining terrorists Idlib... ..…
Lindberg would bear that out. If protest is people’s only peaceful alternative in response to unresponsive governments and political forces, undermining the protests’ effectiveness narrows the choices to affect change. . ..…
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