
trump brandishes anti-socialism message as political weapon in 2020

By new calls to adopt in our country, Here in the United States, we are alarmed, during his State of Union.. ... Medicare and Social Security, he added, are enshrined in the pantheon of middle-class America... ..

david p. goldman, author at tablet magazine

Jewish conservatives and 'nation builders who led us into Iraq and Afghanistan bet the farm against Donald Trump, and lost. ... Judaism rejects the notions of beauty that underscore Christian classical music, from Bach to Mozart — and the music still speaks to us. ..

can the us salvage the quad? – asia sentinel

or Quad, was reactivated in 2017 as arrangement involving United States, India, Japan and Australia, it was understood as first step towards. ... Notwithstanding the strong language and the important question is can the US do something about it, particularly by getting Quad..

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Despite attempts by White House to pull United States back from engagement, majority of Americans favor United States taking active part world affairs. ... Along with increasingly positive views of the benefits of international trade over the past two years, support for..

as venezuela crisis deepens, colombia rebel threat is growing, says

Admiral Craig Faller, the head of U.S Southern Command that oversees U.S forces Latin America, told Reuters United States had sharpened its focus on the rebels and increased its sharing of intelligence with Colombian officials... United States believes the..

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Symbolically, Rouhani's visit announces to the world, particularly United States, that Iraq is now firmly in Iranian camp, at the expense of United States.. ... Ischinger's comments seem to echo November 6 comments of French President Emmanuel Macron, one that would..

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The double entendre points to truth that explains why America's faith is now being targeted by all anti- Christ forces seeking to discourage, demoralize, and dispirit the good people of United States. ... But this means, first of all, doing right according to His will for our..

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fleet of Russian warships traveled through Caribbean Sea and docked Cuba on June 24 in the latest example of Russia's increasing military influence in the periphery of United States.. Russian government has not announced the purpose of the visit to Cuba, except Deputy Foreign Minister..


US President has realized that the US agenda was never going to be done. ... Q Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces was supported and armed by the US, and Kurdish Spokeswoman Ilham Ahmad has described the US decision to withdraw from Syria as in the back of Kurds. ..

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Once finished it will stand as testament to the fundamental split between European Union and United States.. ... From Europe's perspective it's, Job well done and all that and Russia is not threat anymore and it's time for us to come out from underneath U.S.'..

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