what they said: alp are anti-semites

The final status of these lands must, of course, be reached through the give-and-take of negotiations and it's the firm view of United States that self-government by Palestinians of West Bank and Gaza with Jordan offers the best chance for durable, just and lasting peace.. It's..


president maduro’s new year interview pt 1: ‘the pressures &

We have also seen organized growth of our United Socialist Party of Venezuela, which is the political party with the number of members Latin America.. ... At some point the details of the house to house visits that Chargé d'affaires of US Embassy made to each of the opposition..

brothersjudd blog

JIMMINY. fresh analysis of the audio recording has revealed what scientists in UK and the US now believe is the source of the piercing din it's the song of Indies short-tailed cricket, known as Anurogryllus celerinictus... ... Last summer, it was too much for Rabbi Steven Wernick, chief of the..


Coming less the decision by the Mexican Supreme Court is going to add to the pressure to advance legalization here in US... ... Public comments will be considered in preparing response from United States to World Health Organization regarding the liability and diversion of..

us anti-boycotting israel legislation

On January 3, neocon Senator Marco Rubio and three co-sponsors introduced the Orwellian Strengthening America's Security in Middle East Act of 2019 SASME .. ... SASME incorporates four previous police state measures, failing to get enough support for enactment into law the United..

us economic war on china

By arresting and detaining her without just cause, Canada serve as US proxy, doing its dirty work, threatening to extradite her to America over allegations of violating Trump regime sanctions on Iran - what no nations, .. On Thursday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump regime..

bolton won't give up on illegal war in syria

that would be discouraging sign of how hard it has become for the US to liquidate any position overseas. ... Turkey is asking the US to provide substantial military support, including airstrikes, transport and logistics, to allow Turkish forces to assume the responsibility for fighting..


Brigadier-General Amin Hatit told Arabic-language service of Russian Sputnik news agency that one of the main reasons for reinstating some of the US troops al-Tanf military base is to help US-backed militants in the region.. ... Turkish media reports sating that the US has..

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