trump, bolton and the syrian confusion

Last Thursday, information on the withdrawal of some US military ground equipment from Syria was noted.  ... This article was posted on Thursday, January 17th, 2019 at 3 16pm and is filed under Donald Trump, Egypt, Iraq, ISIS, John Bolton, Jordan, Media, Militarism, Politics, President Recep..


She is somebody who does documentaries on Black Lives Matters and is critical of lot of the domestic policies of United States, the school-to-prison sort of pipeline and the community and also the abroad and the regime change policies that United States enforces all the..

can we please learn from history?

In Central America, far more version of these pathologies is driving millions of people to seek to move to USA, driving in turn the radicalisation of parts of the US population yet total US aid to Mexico in 2017 was less and fraction of that to Afghanistan. ... In the..

congress can end us involvement in the war on yemen

Congress is expected to make unprecedented challenge to Donald Trump's authority to take the US into in the coming weeks, with bipartisan measure calling for the end of US military in Yemen conflict.. ... Passing these resolutions will tell Saudis and Emiratis that there is in the..

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