
The Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved a pair of emergency ordinances Tuesday freezing rent increases for tenants and barring “no-fault” evictions until a state law which does both takes effect Jan. 1. . . . ..

anatomy of a lynching

A month before the 2016 elections 100 of Black Lives Matter activists gathered at the University of California Irvine to attack the Los Angeles police department with this chant: “LAPD what you say? ..

diana cariboni

Los dos países van a elecciones este domingo ante una oferta sin precedentes de candidatos que se oponen a los... . . . . . ... Cómo los objetores de conciencia amenazan los derechos sobre el aborto recién conseguidos en Latinoamérica Published on: 19 July 2018 . ..

ewg tap water database shows arsenic and chromium in all 50 states

A man bikes through a field in Watts, California, where some of the land is laced with arsenic because it once held a steel factory.Bethany Mollenkof/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images . ... Elevated levels of arsenic were found in the soil at a school in Cudahy, California, nearly two decades..

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