Los Angeles's March 2017 election was 250,188, in city with population approaching million. ... Los Angeles then was also municipality, with population of homeowners who voted Republican — and there were similar voting blocs in the central cities of New York,..…
Primero siendo cortadas . las uñas y los cabellos, . podían casar entre ellos . sus cativas aforradas . los judíos; y linpiadas, . fazer las ysraelitas . puras, linpias y benditas, . a su ley consagradas. . ..…
Los Angeles Times reported on November 20, 1999, extremists trying to silence moderate leaders with campaign of kidnappings, beatings, bombings, and at least one killing. ..…
Described by New York Times as one of the older, historic parties that have reemerged under Communism and as liberal-democratic by the Los Angeles Times, Independent Smallholders was hard-right party associated with Hungarian Premier Gyula Gombos, Nazi. . ..…
Copyright © Todos los derechos reservados . EL UNIVERSAL, Compañía Periodística Nacional. De no existir previa autorización, queda expresamente prohibida la Publicación, retransmisión, edición y cualquier otro uso de los contenidos . . . . ..…
By not allowing new housing rather than via, from San Francisco's Bernal Heights, Noe Valley, Alamo Square and Haight-Ashbury to Los Angeles Highland Park to New York City's Park Slope and neighborhoods throughout Cambridge, neighborhoods become expensive luxury development... ..…
Next Spring, this book-based display will reach campus or community audiences in Seattle, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. ..…
The flight test of the missile took place Sunday afternoon from San Nicolas Island, off the coast of Los Angeles. . ..…
Lottie Cuningham: La crisis de los miskitos, entre la violencia y la hambruna . . . . . . . ..…
Both sides eventually appealed a 2015 verdict that granted former Los Angeles Times hack sports columnist T.J. ... Former Los Angeles Times sports columnist T.J. Simers won $7.1 million in an age and disability… . ..…
Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.