jessica levinson : supreme court's census decision could hand control

Jessica Levinson is a professor at Loyola Law School, Los Angeles. Her work focuses on election law and governance issues, including campaign finance, campaign disclosure, ethics, voting rights, redistricting, ballot initiatives, term limits and the Supreme Court. She is the former..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/nq5h0aeugfly52kkufs3.jpg

supreme court’s conservative majority seems poised to ok citizenship

In contrast, the four liberal justices, all appointed by Democratic presidents, were in expressing their view that the addition of citizenship question would be ploy by Trump administration to undercount populations in cities and states that vote Democrat, according to Los Angeles Times.. ..

measles’ next target in los angeles: unvaccinated

Los Angeles health officials warned this week that students and staff at UCLA and Cal State L.A may be at risk of catching measles, announcement that has raised questions about universities susceptibility to disease outbreaks... ... We will likely see additional measles cases Los..

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